
Friday, May 2, 2008

Abby's Eye Surgery

Abby had eye surgery yesterday. She had what is known as strabismus - basically lazy eyes. We went in to Sick Kids yesterday for 6am. After checking in and doing all the pre-op stuff with nurses, Dr. Wong showed up at just before 9:00am, the scheduled time for the surgery.

Beth and I were a little apprehensive as Abby would be under full anesthetic, but she didn't seem nervous at all as she walked down the hall holding the nurses hand.

A very quick hour later, we were welcomed into the recovery room, and Abby was sobbing and occasionally screaming and trying to move all around. Waking up from anesthesia, I understand, is tough, and she had woken up rather quickly.

Amazingly, we were back home by 11:30am. Abby had no bandages and only needed kids Tylenol once. By the next day, Abby was completely back to normal, save for red bruising on the insides of both eyes - amazing.

We will find out shortly how successful her surgery was (in terms of correcting the eye turning) and whether she'll need a new prescription or not.

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